Tuesday 21 January 2014

Trying to Look on the Bright Side?

As a follow up to my post on hypoalbuminemia a few weeks ago, after the oedema seemed to clear virtually overnight just before New Years, it hasn’t come back. I can happily get my signature Doc Marten boots on again, but to be honest, they are stretched from walking around with swollen feet in them so I really need to order a new pair. In the meantime, I’m enjoying wearing those shit kickers steel toed shoes I found in the back of the closet again. My last round of blood work the first week of January indicated a slight elevation in my albumin levels, although they had a way to go before they were normal. When I am having good days, I’m hopeful that things are moving in the right direction.

Although I will always have chunky calves, the clearing of the oedema has made it clear just how much fluid I was retaining in my lower limbs. Amongst other things, it also shows how much weight I’ve lost over the past few months, which I am NOT happy about. I’ll probably do some agonising post about body image in the future.

As someone who exits on the slightly dark/Goth side of life (we have cookies, you know!), I have a couple of pairs of New Rock boots. Both pairs I was able to bag on eBay for about £30 (advantages of wearing a shoe size no one else does!). One pair come most of the way up my calves, and I have never, ever, been able to zip them up the whole way. I could typically get the zipper up about half way and that was it.

Until today . . . .

I should enjoy this while it lasts. With the weight of these babies, I’ll have those calf muscles built back up in no time!!

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