Sunday 21 February 2016

Loving you Boobs

I'm still struggling to find the time to keep this blog up to date at the moment. So I will once again rely on something someone else wrote.

In this blog, I've written about the trouble I've had getting and keeping bras that fit as my body has slowly gone back to its pre-illness weight. As someone who is rather blessed in the cleavage department, I don't know where I would have been without Bravissimo

However, life before I discovered Bravissimo, it was grim for my poor boobs. Getting anything to fit was a challenge as I have never neatly fit into standard department store sizing. There is no such thing as a cheap bra in my world.

I follow the blog of a lingerie designer who recently wrote a very personal piece on her journey to finding (and now designing) bras that fit. It's quite similar to my own journey, so I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy!