Monday 20 January 2014

Adventures in Pasta Making Part 3

I’ve been in a big pasta mood this week. So I’ve been trying some new pasta recipes, and gave the pasta machine a whirl again.

To make a change from tomato based sauces, I tried out this recipe which I found through Jeanette’s Healthy Living’s post on Low-Residue Recipes.

I adjusted the portions for one person, but otherwise followed the recipe, including Jeanette’s suggestions on making it low residue by using garlic infused olive oil rather than garlic. I also threw in some leftover turkey leg that I had taken out of the freezer.

Fairly tasty. For spinach.

It was pretty tasty, especially for something that involves spinach (I’m not a huge fan of spinach. I’m trying to get used to it because at least it is a vegetable I can have, and is apparently good for me, or something).

I decided to have a go making something other than ravioli with the pasta maker. So I thought I would try making some fettuccine. This time around, I remembered to run a small amount of dough through the machine to clean it beforehand rather than putting through a big amount.

I used the machine to flatten out the dough to the third level (any thinner would have been too thin), and then ran it through the cutter.
Flattened dough
Cutting the pasta at an awkward angle
This turned out to be a bit tricky, and as the cutter is on the other side, meaning I was turning the handle with the wrong hand! But I eventually got the hang of it. Once I cut the pasta, I cooked it in boiling salted water for about 4 minutes and it was done.
Ready for boiling

So now, what to do with it.

I’ve been looking around for more dairy free recipes to try out. As I have some almond milk at the moment, I looked around for things to cook with that. I came across this recipe for dairy-free fetticuine alfredo.

I only did half the recipe as I was only cooking for me. I used vegetable stock instead of wine, almond milk instead of soya milk and olive oil rather than soya margarine. I also added some cooked shredded chicken.
I've decided that almond milk is a reasonable dairy substitute

Making Alfredo sauce without milk, cream or cheese. Is this right?!
I have only three words for this.

OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!

I haven’t had a cream type sauce in months and months, and I don’t remember the last time I had Alfredo. I really really wish this had involved gabs of milk and cheese, but failing that for the past several months, this was a damn good substitute! I put some leftover shredded chicken in it, and was this every tasty! I so enjoyed this! Like really really enjoyed this! Like so enjoyed this, I actually Skyped my mother just to say “You’ll never guess what I just made and ate?!”.

So tasty!! But maybe that's because I'm deprived of cheese.

And so far (touch wood), it’s gone down absolutely fine. And I have loads of leftovers for tomorrow!

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