Sunday 9 March 2014

More Experiments with Sweet Potatoes

Suitable snacks have proven to be one of the biggest challenges of this “low residue” eating thing. Technically, lots of snacks are “low-residue”, the problem is finding something that is reasonably healthy and that will agree with my guts.

One recommendation on a blog I follow, Courageous with Colitis, recommended “pita chips” I had a go with those last week, and they are pretty tasty. Albeit, no substitute for Pringles, but tasty enough.

More or less following her directions, I cut up a pita into wedges, brushed each side with a bit of olive oil, sprinkled it with sea salt and a pinch of paprika.

Then I put them in the oven on a baking tray at 180C for 8 minutes until crunchy. Pretty good, but they definitely need something.

I absolutely love humus, but chickpeas, along with all lentils, are out due to their fibre content. I would be very upset about this, except that I’m not a fan of lentils generally and chickpeas are pretty much the only ones I like. However, humus is one of those reasonably healthy (as long as you don’t put gobs of oil in it) snacks and I really like it. So I’ll pout about that, but not the rest of the lentil family.

In my search for more things to do with sweet potatoes, I came across this recipe for sweet potato dip,,10000002002220,00.html.

I steamed a sweet potato to go with some leftovers last week, so I held back some of it to make this dip. I mashed up the sweet potato, added a tablespoon of Greek yogurt, 1/4 tsp of honey, 1/8 tsp of chili powder and a dash of sea salt.

It’s actually pretty good! I need to mess around with the seasoning a bit, but generally it is rather nice and I will be making this one again.

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