Sunday 23 February 2014


This weekend marks a milestone on this blog. I’ve have now had over 1000 views of it!

When I started this about 2 months ago, I never thought anyone would be interested in my witterings about food and dealing with the medical system, but clearly someone (other than just my mother) is interested. My Canadian upbringing and adopted Britishness make me think that I’m meant to be polite and say ‘thank you’ for reading it, but really I just hope that some of this has been helpful to someone else going through similar situations. If anything, it's given me a hobby while I've been on sick leave and a vehicle to vent my frustrations.

So that’s got me thinking that I should consider some other milestones that I’ve passed recently. One involves food (of course). I’ve typing this while eating yogurt. Dairy yogurt. Cow’s milk yogurt. Not loads, but some. I had mixed success with the lactose free milk a few weeks ago, but low-fat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese (which I am learning to like) have been more or less successes in small quantities. You really have no idea how happy this makes me!

This past month has also seen me go back to a few things that I really enjoy but had fallen off my radar. One is going to Tai Chi class. I did Tai Chi for about 4 years and really enjoyed it, and only stopped when we didn’t have enough people in the class to cover the rent on the hall. I’m the youngest person in this new class by 30 years, but I really don’t care! I’m enjoying it, the instructors are brilliant, it’s getting me out of the house, it’s helping me take charge of the anxiety and it’s helping my back.

I haven't advanced far enough to play with swords yet :(

I’ve also started work on a quilting project I’ve been ignoring for several (okay, twelve) years. I find sewing by hand relaxing (yes, really), so this has been a good mental health move, and means that I might actually have something resembling decor for the spare bedroom/office when I’m done.

Alas, my preferred sewing position on the sofa isn’t helping my back . . .

The other milestone, which I should have posted about ages ago, is about my feet. You may have read my post back in January about Hypoalbuminenia and seen the rather impressive photo of my swollen feet. Thankfully, the oedema cleared out the first week of January. Quite dramatically, and (touch wood) hasn’t come back. And the albumin levels were back to normal on my last batch of blood work.

For fun and giggles, here is a comparison-

My not normal feet on 27 December 2013

My normal feet on 23 February 2014
Quite a difference! Now I really need to buy a new pair of boots as my old ones are completely stretched!

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