Tuesday 29 April 2014

Growing Pains

It’s been a month since I parted ways with my ‘frenemy’ Prednisolone. I’m very glad to see the back of that. I feel slightly more human. My chipmunk cheeks are pretty much gone, and the thrush infection in my throat has cleared up. The hair on my head is still falling out, but not at quite the speed it was before. It’s also growing really fast like my nails. I had it dyed four weeks ago and I’m already sporting some serious roots and the new hair is coming in seriously grey. The new hair I’ve been sporting in places I don’t want still hasn’t fallen out though. Sigh. Oh well, it’s only hair.

I’ve had some pretty nasty body aches over the past few weeks, especially in my hips and upper thighs. Trying to get a handle on the problem, and despite the fatigue I’m battling, I started swimming again over Easter. This is proving that I’m a serious weakling as I needed floats to get myself from one end of the pool to the other! I’ve had to buy new swimsuits because the old ones really don’t fit anymore. I ordered one from Speedo, and then managed to score a Zoggs suit at TK Max for a tenner. I would have sent back the Speedo if it didn’t fit so well.

I was back to the osteopath again this week, and was describing what the aching feels like. “It kind of sounds like growing pains”, he said. Seriously?! His theory is that my body is regaining bone mass and muscle tone and so it’s kind of like the pains kids get when they grow quickly. Great, something else to add to the list of weird things going on with my body! The good news is that he thinks that I'm about 1/3 of the way through the "rehabilitation phase".

This week also saw yet another trip to Bravissimo to be re-fitted for bras. This is the third time in 8 weeks. While I’m thrilled that I’m beginning to get some of body shape back, and that is helping the body image issue, I’m not thrilled by how much this has been costing! I’ve gone up 3 cup sizes since the end of February. Not that I’m fitting back into any of my old ones. My shape has completely changed. I have a drawer full of Panache Tango bras that are unlikely to ever fit right again. Sigh.

As for my mental health in the post-Prednisolone world . . . well, that’s another story.

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